The Auvray & Boracay agency supports the Action Education association in its media relations
Specializing in media relations for 30 years, the Auvray & Boracay Agency was chosen by Action Education, an international association for development through education, to support it in its media relations strategy.
To reaffirm its social mission, the non-governmental organization has recently changed its name. Aide et Action has thus become Action Education.
For 40 years, Action Education has provided access to quality education for the most vulnerable and marginalized populations, especially children, girls and women, so that they can control their own development and contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Because access to quality education helps to fight poverty and disease, limit climate change and build peace in a sustainable world, Action Education promotes lifelong learning. Thus, it pays particular attention to early childhood care and access to quality education at the primary and secondary levels, as well as vocational training and social