Comunicazione Corporate sempre più digitale

Comunicazione Corporate sempre più digitale

by Soluzione Group (Italy) 02 January, 2016

I canali digitali nei prossimi cinque anni cresceranno per importanza più di ogni altro canale Questo il risultato dell’indagine Doxa, promossa da iCorporate, che ha coinvolto 100 Responsabili Comunicazione di aziende private italiane e filiali italiane di multinazionali estere, con fatturato minimo di 50 milioni annui. Cresce senza sosta l’interesse delle aziende per i social media. […]

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The Arctic meets in Reykjavik

The Arctic meets in Reykjavik

by Boman Communications (Denmark) 15 October, 2015

1400 delegates from all over the World proves that the Arctic is now a ‘hot spot’. And Reykjavik is emerging as the place where one must go to attend the annual Arctic Circle Conference – much to the credit of Iceland’s president. PRN’s Danish partner Boman Kommunikation was there, too – to enhance our relations […]

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PRN’s first office in Africa

PRN’s first office in Africa

by Veit Mathauer 09 September, 2015

PRN’s first African office was opened in 2010 by Proof Communication Africa. Proof Africa is an independent specialist communication firm specializing in science, technology, energy, development, research and innovation. Proof is based in Johannesburg and works across the continent. Recent assignments have included media work in Uganda and Kenya, communication training in Senegal and Ethiopia, […]

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Turning African engineers into entrepreneurs

Turning African engineers into entrepreneurs

by Veit Mathauer 04 July, 2015

The Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation is run by the UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering and attracts entries from across sub-Saharan Africa. Proof Africa promotes the prize across the continent, raises the profile of engineering, encourages innovators to enter the prize, and provides specialist communication training to the shortlisted finalists. Africa Prize alumni have credited […]

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Next member meeting in Madrid

Next member meeting in Madrid

by PR Network 23 June, 2015

PRN agency members will be meeting on June 25th for their bi-annual member meeting. Members from all over the world will be travelling to Madrid to discuss joint clients, update and envisage trends and talk about PR on their respective markets.

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Proof Africa supports Mandela School

Proof Africa supports Mandela School

by Veit Mathauer 15 May, 2015

Proof Communication Africa promoted the Mandela School of Science & Technology, a world class educational establishment built by global engineering firm Siemens in the birthplace of Nelson Mandela. The Mandela School was built in the small rural village of Mvezo, a community whose children previously had to travel for miles to get an education. Proof […]

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PRN wins new member in Switzerland

PRN wins new member in Switzerland

by PR Network 18 February, 2015

Public Relations Network (PRN) has won a new member in Switzerland. Swiss PRN partner is open up, a communications and PR consultancy based in Zurich. Managed by Kilian Borter and Melanie Schneider, the agency supports larger companies, SMEs and non-profit organisations with all their communications needs. Specialized in the financial and insurance sectors, IT and […]

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Soluzione Group proposes BRESCIA Experience YOUR BUSINESS GATE TO EXPO

Soluzione Group proposes BRESCIA Experience YOUR BUSINESS GATE TO EXPO

by PR Network 17 February, 2015

ASKE – Network to communicate – a network of communication agencies including PRN member Soluzione Communication Group, in anticipation of the forthcoming appointment with Expo 2015, actively proposes BRESCIA Experience YOUR BUSINESS GATE TO EXPO, a project intended for the business world with the ambitious goal of creating new opportunities for contact and make the […]

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New Management at Sympra

New Management at Sympra

by Veit Mathauer 01 January, 2015

Veronika Höber (48) commenced work in her position as Managing Partner at Sympra GmbH (GPRA) on 1st January 2015. Together with the founder, Veit Mathauer (50), she will be running the agency for Public Relations with offices in Stuttgart, Munich and Berlin. Helmut v. Stackelberg, the last Managing Partner entered retirement at the end of […]

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