PRN meets in Berlin

PRN meets in Berlin

The last Public Relations Network (PRN) meeting took place in Berlin at the end of January. Bringing together member agencies from all around the world, the consultants discussed the various trends and though-leadership in PR in their countries. With an ever-growing exchange of business around the world, members not only appreciate this time to brainstorm and develop ideas for their respective clients but also have the opportunity of getting up to speed on the latest in progressions in PR. For the first time, Boulevard PR (Canada) and F1rstcomm PR (Mexico) participated in the meeting. One of the highlights: Prof. Dr. Günter Bentele (see pic.), Head of the German Council for Public Relations, talked about ethics and morals for communication managers. and started a fruitful discussion with the CEOs of the PRN member agencies.

Next meeting will take place in Paris on 29/30 June 2017.
